Chairman: Dr, Jack Morgan
Secretary/Treasurer: Paula Morgan
Committee Member:
National Coordinators
Northern Ireland: Rev. James Burney
Scotland:Rev. Robert Evans
National Coordinator
Rev. Ronie J. Estay
National Coordinators
Rev. Alfred Morgan
Rev. Febe Morgan
National Coordinator
Rev. Stacy Keith Jackson
National Chairman: Rev. Donald Soriano
Vice-Chairman: Rev. Celia B. Soriano
National Secretary: Rev. Anita O. Gomaya
National Treasurer: Rev. Agusto B.Gomaya
National Commitee Members
Rev. Angelo Cayabas
Rev. Santiago Domalio
Rev. Noli Tinong
From the beginning in 1962, the AIGA has been a missionary-minded association.
Your support of the AIGA Missionary Programs helps our National Leaders in Ministering to the Spiritual and Physical needs of the people by:
π’ Ministry of the Word
π’ Training Ministers
π’ Feeding and Clothing the Poor
π’ Maintaining Orphanages
π’ Maintaining Schools
π’ Providing Clean Water
π’Caring for the Elderly
Please consider a regular monthly donation in support of these outreaches. Contact the International Headquarters at 1-636-586-3641 or by writing to:
Association of International Gospel Assemblies Inc.
411 South Third Street - DeSoto, Missouri 63020
Phone: 636-586-3641
or by email: info@aigahq.com